Sunday, July 25, 2010

Visiting Preaching Points

Saturday we visited all five preaching points.  This is a beautiful new one near heaven.

We are bega kwa bega with our family at Lulanzi.  Pastor Julie is back in Iringa to do some work and the group will return tomorrow late morning.  We will visit at Lulanzi next Sunday as well. 

Today following worship Paul, Reid, Terry and Pastor Julie attended a funeral while Jenna, Hannah, Nora and Sam played with the kids near the pastors home.


  1. Wow! what a great picture. It looks very close to heaven. Happy Sunday to all of you from Minnesota. It's not raining today therefore we have stopped building an Ark. Sounds like you are having a great time. Isn't playing with the children just loads of fun. Have you met Jumpin George? Nora would perhaps remember which one that is. He can run so fast and jump so high and he loved to tease. He lives in Lulanzi. Remember Jenna you can't bring any of the children home with you....only in your heart nd mind. Hugs from Rochester

  2. Awesome...hope you are bringing back updated pictures of our preaching points:) Had a wonderful service with Don and Eunice Fultz at CLC today...even sang the Lord's Prayer in Swahili:) Take care and be safe!

  3. This is awesome! When we were there in 2007, they were collecting rocks...and what a view. On Sunday, Eunice's message was to share a typical trip to Lulanzi from the bus ride, singing and dancing and of course relived our experience. We love sharing this journey with you. God bless!
