Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Back in Iringa

Today was a day to rest, relax and recharge.  After breakfast we walked to Dira and met with Pastor Msigwa, who showed us around.  We viewed a shipment of food that had just arrived from the U.S., saw people planting tree seeds in containers, and visited the children at the school.  The children were adorable, they greeted us in English and sang us songs.  We then met with Pastor Chavalla who gave us an interesting talk on the Iringa Diocese. 

After leaving Dira we walked down to Neema, a shop where all the goods are made by people who are handicapped, and took a tour of the workshop there.  While waiting for the tour to begin, we were joined by Pastor Sandagila. It was very interesting to watch the people weaving the fabric for shawls, making jewelry and photo albums.  We completed our visit by going upstairs to have lunch.

The rest of the day was spent shopping downtown and resting and relaxing.


  1. Neema...what fond memories of the tour we got there.So good to see people using their God give talents and skills. You are in my prayers daily and I wish you safe journeys where ever you go. Enjoy.

  2. I visit your blog daily to check on your activities. You are all in our thoughts and prayers! "Be well, do good work, keep in touch." Keillor
