Saturday, July 31, 2010

"I Once Was Lost But Now Am Found"

Today was just another day with another journey here in Tanzania. The plan for the day was to go to a place called The Bridge of God. The area is a naturally occurring rock structure that has made a bridge over a rushing river. Starting the day a little later than planned, we ventured out on our own in the Bega Kwa Bega vehicle to discover the wonder that was contained in this bridge. A slight detour at a museum was added to our journey as we learned about Chief Mwkawa and his involvement in Tanzania’s warring with Germany. We were still unsure of the exact route to our intended destination. Like Dennis had said earlier in the day, the tour guide at the museum told us to get to God’s Bridge we had to go over the bump and then turn right. Those slightly vague directions seemed to satisfy our navigators and we went on our way. The way, however, consisted of many wrong turns, wrong directions, and slight doubt that we would indeed actually find this place. After hours on the road, we came upon a man with a machete. Sensing that we had no idea where to go and were about to give up on our journey, the man asked us where we were headed. Like a light in the dark, this man not only spoke relatively perfect English but also knew exactly how to get us to where we were going. He asked if he could come along to show us the way, but only after ensuring us that we should not be frightened by the large knife he was carrying because he was only using it to do his work. Israel, our new navigator, guided us to our desired destination and proceeded to pose as our tour guide throughout this astounding attraction. This kindhearted and gentle man saved the day! Asking, looking, wondering, doubting, asking, looking, wondering, doubting. That had been our theme for the day. When met with a kind stranger we were the lost that had been found.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Hello Kitty - Lions and Monkeys and Impala Oh My!

What a time we had on safari at Ruaha - Mwgusi!  I don't know that we have ever seen so many animals at one time before.  It is winter here and the grass and riverbeds near dry.  This morning on our game drive out of the park I think we saw every Impala in the park - it was so beautiful to enjoy Gods creation all under the acacia trees (including these two lions and four others with them).

This continues to be a group that enjoys one another, taking the good with the interesting (Paul in a pink mini skirt dancing on the riverbed at Mwgusi one night - the animals complained).  Tomorrow we are off to Bridge of God, more shopping and packing.  Sunday we will worship at Lulanzi and bring them lunch thanks to Petro and his take away meals.  Most of the group leaves on Monday morning for Dar and home.

We continue to process what it means for us to be here in this land of emotional and spiritual wealth and what it means for us to return home somehow changed by the rhythm and pace of life in this time and place.

I will miss this group when they leave as we have done well living so close to each other for near three weeks sharing colds, oils, malerone, odd stories, games, devotions, faith, life and more...

More soon to appear!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Back in Iringa

Today was a day to rest, relax and recharge.  After breakfast we walked to Dira and met with Pastor Msigwa, who showed us around.  We viewed a shipment of food that had just arrived from the U.S., saw people planting tree seeds in containers, and visited the children at the school.  The children were adorable, they greeted us in English and sang us songs.  We then met with Pastor Chavalla who gave us an interesting talk on the Iringa Diocese. 

After leaving Dira we walked down to Neema, a shop where all the goods are made by people who are handicapped, and took a tour of the workshop there.  While waiting for the tour to begin, we were joined by Pastor Sandagila. It was very interesting to watch the people weaving the fabric for shawls, making jewelry and photo albums.  We completed our visit by going upstairs to have lunch.

The rest of the day was spent shopping downtown and resting and relaxing.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Back to Iringa

Back to our home away from home in Iringa, the group reflected on our time in Lulanzi-- where once again we found a home away from home. The three days in the village were filled with joy, celebration, and song. The Holy Spirit was present everywhere, from the dust on the dirt floor of Kheise to the smiling faces of the children, from the overwhelming welcomes to the quiet evening discussions. God was in that place! Some spent the days playing with children, while others got to experience village traditions being performed. Where there was poverty of possession there was a wealth of spirit amd grace as together we worked Bega Kwa Bega!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Visiting Preaching Points

Saturday we visited all five preaching points.  This is a beautiful new one near heaven.

We are bega kwa bega with our family at Lulanzi.  Pastor Julie is back in Iringa to do some work and the group will return tomorrow late morning.  We will visit at Lulanzi next Sunday as well. 

Today following worship Paul, Reid, Terry and Pastor Julie attended a funeral while Jenna, Hannah, Nora and Sam played with the kids near the pastors home.