Saturday, July 31, 2010

"I Once Was Lost But Now Am Found"

Today was just another day with another journey here in Tanzania. The plan for the day was to go to a place called The Bridge of God. The area is a naturally occurring rock structure that has made a bridge over a rushing river. Starting the day a little later than planned, we ventured out on our own in the Bega Kwa Bega vehicle to discover the wonder that was contained in this bridge. A slight detour at a museum was added to our journey as we learned about Chief Mwkawa and his involvement in Tanzania’s warring with Germany. We were still unsure of the exact route to our intended destination. Like Dennis had said earlier in the day, the tour guide at the museum told us to get to God’s Bridge we had to go over the bump and then turn right. Those slightly vague directions seemed to satisfy our navigators and we went on our way. The way, however, consisted of many wrong turns, wrong directions, and slight doubt that we would indeed actually find this place. After hours on the road, we came upon a man with a machete. Sensing that we had no idea where to go and were about to give up on our journey, the man asked us where we were headed. Like a light in the dark, this man not only spoke relatively perfect English but also knew exactly how to get us to where we were going. He asked if he could come along to show us the way, but only after ensuring us that we should not be frightened by the large knife he was carrying because he was only using it to do his work. Israel, our new navigator, guided us to our desired destination and proceeded to pose as our tour guide throughout this astounding attraction. This kindhearted and gentle man saved the day! Asking, looking, wondering, doubting, asking, looking, wondering, doubting. That had been our theme for the day. When met with a kind stranger we were the lost that had been found.

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