Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sad Good-bye

In this picture:  Juma (bus driver), Paul, Terry, Reid, Emson (former pastor of Lulanzi), Nora, Hannah, Jenna, Petro (cook at The Lutheran Centre) and Sam.

Most of our group left Monday morning for Dar.  It was a sad and tearful goodbye.  We lived well together processing each day, sharing our thoughts and feelings about what we are seeing and experiencing and caring for one another.  Our down time we decided was only when we were sleeping.  Not bad for a group that is introverted.

Jenna, Hannah and Pastor Julie remained behind and all day expected everyone to appear again.  Instead a phone call let us know that they had found their way to Dar safely and that they were having a great meal at Sea Cliff on the Indian Ocean.

It is much more quiet now at apt 3.  Hannah and Jenna have done some shopping and spending time at Neema.  Pastor Julie has had two full days of catch up work in the office.  A bank run, a meeting at DIRA the head office for the Diocese of the ELCT, looking at all the work that piled up and sorting it with Msigwa and a trip to Lulanzi to look at the dispensary.

Soon the group will land in Minneapolis.  We miss you but know that we will remain in each others hearts changed "some how" by our common experience in this beautiful country called Africa.

1 comment:

  1. Howdy...I detect a note of saddness. I'm sure those that left you behind are feeling the same way. I'm happy that you all have each other for support. It is hard to leave people that are so easy to love and the Africian people are loving and kind.You are in our prayers and we will be anxious to see all the pictures and hear the stories.Blessings
