Friday, August 6, 2010


Tonight Jenna, Hannah, Julie and Greg from Thrivent entertained 17 including Msigwa and his family and Shepherd of the Valley folks who arrived yesterday.  In the first picture Msigwa is telling a story about the young man living with him because he was walking 15KM to and from school everyday, late!  In the second picture Pastor Randy from SOTV is playing guitar with Msigwa's son.  It was a pasta night and so wonderful to be together.  On Sunday night we will enjoy time with Petro, the head cook at TLC and his family.  I think we will laugh alot.  If you know Petro you will agree.


  1. The face on the little guy says it all. Pasta night! Jenna you didn't like that at all did you? Hannah & Jenna I hope you have sung for others while you have been there. The African people would love it. Have fun, stay well, God Bless.

  2. Thanks for all of the sharing. Glad to see the SOTV crew made it to Iringa safely. Prayers for all of you from just across the Indian Ocean.
