Friday, July 30, 2010

Hello Kitty - Lions and Monkeys and Impala Oh My!

What a time we had on safari at Ruaha - Mwgusi!  I don't know that we have ever seen so many animals at one time before.  It is winter here and the grass and riverbeds near dry.  This morning on our game drive out of the park I think we saw every Impala in the park - it was so beautiful to enjoy Gods creation all under the acacia trees (including these two lions and four others with them).

This continues to be a group that enjoys one another, taking the good with the interesting (Paul in a pink mini skirt dancing on the riverbed at Mwgusi one night - the animals complained).  Tomorrow we are off to Bridge of God, more shopping and packing.  Sunday we will worship at Lulanzi and bring them lunch thanks to Petro and his take away meals.  Most of the group leaves on Monday morning for Dar and home.

We continue to process what it means for us to be here in this land of emotional and spiritual wealth and what it means for us to return home somehow changed by the rhythm and pace of life in this time and place.

I will miss this group when they leave as we have done well living so close to each other for near three weeks sharing colds, oils, malerone, odd stories, games, devotions, faith, life and more...

More soon to appear!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! God's creatures look so powerful and stately. I'm glad you got to see all the Impalas....I'd hate to think you missed any of them. Blessings and safe journey to all the travelers we will be praying for your safe return.
