Friday, July 23, 2010

Group is at Lulanzi

Our group is in Lulanzi right now.  This is Pastor Julie.  I am back in Iringa until later this morning.  We have had two visiting professors from Concordia College in Moorhead, MN here visiting.  I have been their guide.  One will leave this morning and the other Linda Scott will travel with me to the village to join our group.

It is so amazing that I can be sitting in Iringa Tanzania update a blog so you in Minnesota will know about the group and the group has called me from Lulanzi Village to say they are doing very well. 

May your day be filled with wonder and awe!  We are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers.  Blessings!


  1. Amazing it is!! You all remain in our prayers also. What is with the sweaters?? Oh it is winter there, right? I am with you in spirit..greet all is Lulanzi!

  2. oh......all is well here in downtown Lake Elmo..several days of 80+ weather and 80+ humidity(: Lumberjack Days began Stillwater is booming! Samantha turned 21 yesterday......big day:)
