Sunday, August 8, 2010


Two service, breakfast and lunch at Ilula today. 

We were at the Evangelist home.  He is from Mlowa and speaks very good English, however we met his wife just before he told us he was single.  As it turns out his last name sounds like single but he is indeed married.

The Lutheran Centre become a recording studio today for the Cathedral Choir.  They were busy making a video this afternoon.

Supper will be served with Petro and his family shortly.  Jenna and Hannah are packed.  All three of us will go to Dar in the morning on a public bus.  Will be another adventure.
Jenna and Hannah leave tomorrow night for Amsterdam and will arrive home on Tuesday.
They have been a blessing to be with this past week cooking, shopping, hosting and caring for others.  Thank you Jenna and Hannah.  MOM

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